Debugging. I’m having to systematically work through each view to see if it’s working correctly. It’s a pain, but at least it helps to see a clear path forward!

Currently: Track detail view:

  • fix non-updating track name
  • fix track duration
    • forgot to update trackPosition duration in the spotify object
  • Play/pause button is slow to update (seems to only trigger on timer ticks)
    • future update
  • fix non-loading of track details if paused when launched (but a track is still available)
    • it’s just a slow start (maybe the 4 second polling)
    • Add in a loading screen/message


  • position handle is not draggable
    • because it’s bound to spotify.trackposition directly, which is a published property, not a state variable. Any updated properties on spotify should cause the view to be redrawn, so if I set the trackPosition using onAppear() in the view, it should be ok.
      • I had to use onChange(of:perform) rather than onAppear()
  • seeking using the position handle works, but needs debouncing, otherwise it’ll jump back to the previously updated position before the seek closure is complete
    • future update


  • creates LOADS of spotify instances!
    • fixed: spotify objects weren’t environment objects!
  • the playhead and sections don’t align on the correct position. Zooming 8offset makes it worse
    • possible fix: segmentViews were hard-coded to 206000ms. Build and run to test (waiting on xcode update)—Yes
  • looper middle section should allow movement
    • future update
  • on high zoom settings, the playhead jumps quite significantly. Can we animate?
    • future update
  • Loop controls aren’t quite right—doesn’t turn on loop without toggling play/pause

Mandy feedback

  • long titles text wrap (scroll, or clever truncate)
    • plus add margin to text view
  • loop/section/bar labels look like buttons
    • not aligned properly with magnifier view
  • scroll minimapview
  • make transport controls bigger
  • minimap height isn’t the same as magnifier view
  • minimapview add rounded corners
  • make logout button
  • pinch to zoom doesn’t work properly
  • disable rotation
  • minimap jumps when scrolling magnifier view quickly

ipad/macos builds are weird—disable for v1 then fix for 1.1


